Jacksons Antique November 2023 Newsletter
November 1st 2023
Exceptional Pair of Antique French Empire Candelabra Circa 1815
Welcome Friends
November 23′
Bronze Fever
Dear friends, we are now into show season, and at Jacksons Antique, we are really excited to get stuck into a couple of fairs before the end of the year. We will be exhibiting at the annual Cotswold Art & Antiques Dealers’ Association Fair (CADA) held at the stunning location of Compton Verney, Warwickshire. We are really pleased to be returning for our second year after a very successful first event and we hope to see you all between the 17th-19th of November.
Our second event, we are delighted to announce, will be back at the ever-so-popular NEC under the new ownership of Classic Antique Fairs. The NEC was one of our first-ever exhibitions, and it has always been up there with one of our favourite locations to stand. We are pleased to invite all our clients who always attend the event and hope to see some new ones who have not visited before between the 1st and the 3rd of December. Tickets are now in the post, so please expect them to arrive soon.
This month we have got bronze fever, we have bought a nice selection of Bronze sculptures along with a few other objects added to our collection. Featured are an exceptional pair of French Empire period candelabras, which feature Apollo and Daphne, dating to circa 1810 during the reign of Napoleon I.
Close up of the bronze figures
French Empire Candelabras
Leading on from the Napoleon theme, we also have a bust of Napoleon I on a black marble base. The bust is cast as Emperor Napoleon 1st in his uniform of Colonel Grenadier of the Imperial Guard by H. Luppens of Brussels Belguim.
Napoleon Bronze Bust
Fair News
We would love to feature your purchases from Jacksons Antique on our Instagram page. Please send us a picture to see your items featured on our wall over @JacksonsAntique
I have an antique globe that belonged to my great-great-grandfather..
It meant the world to him
Latest Acquisitions
Antique French Jaguar Qui Marche (No. 2) Bronze by Antoine Barye
Novelty Art Deco Silver Plate Tea Server
Antique Bronze Bust of Emperor Napoleon by H. Luppens
Antique French Equestrian Bronze Henri-Geoffroy de Ruillé
Antique Japanese Meiji Period Satsuma Vase by Kinkozan
Antique German Bronze ‘Don Quixote’ by Oskar Garvens
In The Spotlight
Very Rare Antique George III Erotic Silver Vinaigrette Joseph Ash
Insight | Antoine-Louis Barye

Owner at Jacksons Antique
Purveyor of beautiful objects to the luxury market through my bespoke internet platform and business Jacksons Antique with a focus on Japanese and European Antiques. I am a new generation of online antique dealer with 10+ years experience within the industry working exclusively online and through select exhibitions. The core of the business consists of trust with all clients giving you the upmost confidence in every piece you purchase. I am extremely lucky to be able to handle some of the most beautiful objects ever made and offer them to a worldwide audience whilst bringing down the average dealer age considerably!