Makers & Retailers - Naruse Seishi

Naruse Seishi

Naruse Seishi

Tohauken Workshop (c.1894-1923)

Naruse Seishi (1845-1923) was born in Nakatsugawa City. He began his career as an apprentice potter in 1858, working his way up to becoming an independent potter and opening his own workshop in Tokyo circa 1872. He encompassed his skill as a painter with his ability to produce pottery pieces, developing both skills together hand in hand. He went on to return to his native environment, near Nabusigawa River and founded the pottery workshop Tohauken circa 1894, developing a yellowish glaze called ”Seishi colour”. Seishi continued to produce pieces up until he died in 1923 at the age of 78. Due to the quality and design of his pieces, they are extremely sought after by satsuma collectors all over the world.

Close up of  a Japanese Satsuma Koro signed Tohakuen Workshop and attributed to Naruse Seishi

Close up of  a Japanese Satsuma Koro signed Tohakuen Workshop and attributed to Naruse Seishi previously sold by Jacksons Antique. Note the complex yet simple white enamel netting synonymous with Naruse Seishi.


close up of  a Japanese Satsuma Koro signed Tohakuen Workshop and attributed to Naruse Seishi

Close up of  a Japanese Satsuma Koro signed Tohakuen Workshop and attributed to Naruse Seishi previously sold by Jacksons Antique.