Novelty Silver
June 28th 2022
When talking about antiques, it’s often the presumption that pieces are of high value, often more than what one would deem acceptable as a gift. With novelty silver, however, there really is a piece for everyone, be it a sports fan, a romantic, a botanist, or anything in between. Prices range from a few pounds to well into the thousands, but let’s start at the beginning.
Pair Bulgari Silver & Gold Dice
What is Novelty Silver?
Novelty silver is an object made from silver that is often humorous and/or animated, with its primary function of entertaining. They are popular due to their uniqueness and often are quite small, meaning they are easily placed within the home or easy to carry when travelling.
History of Novelty Silver
Although novelty silver was partially seen in the Georgian era and earlier. The massive expansion of the economy during the Victorian era paved the way for what was regarded as the golden age for the middle class. During this time, silversmiths soon realised there was a huge gap in the market for novelty gifts because much of the population had spare income. They soon capitalised on the occasion by crafting unique objects out of previously boring subjects; vesta cases became animals, scent bottles were designed as boats, and baby rattles would incorporate characters, thus creating an abundance of novelty silver that we have today. Although times have moved forward and fashions have changed, these objects can be used for different things today and still carry the same humorous appeal.
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Novelty Silver Gift Ideas
Now we know the history, and it’s onto the good part: gift ideas. If you are looking for a one-off special gift that is unique and carries its own history, or maybe struggling to find something for that one person that is difficult to buy for then novelty silver is certainly a good place to start. There are many different makers, subjects, and values to suit all budgets and styles, often finding the right one can be tricky or even overwhelming as there are so many to choose from. Whether it be a festive gift, a christening or a wedding gift, you really can get something for everyone. Personally, when looking to purchase a novelty silver piece, I would recommend narrowing down your field to the subject and your budget, from here you can search online, at antique fairs and antique centres. Just ask to be pointed in the direction of novelty silver!
Owner at Jacksons Antique
Purveyor of beautiful objects to the luxury market through my bespoke internet platform and business Jacksons Antique with a focus on Japanese and European Antiques. I am a new generation of online antique dealer with 10+ years experience within the industry working exclusively online and through select exhibitions. The core of the business consists of trust with all clients giving you the upmost confidence in every piece you purchase. I am extremely lucky to be able to handle some of the most beautiful objects ever made and offer them to a worldwide audience whilst bringing down the average dealer age considerably!