Enamel Horses Cigarette Case
£650.00 -
Silver and Guilloche Enamel Travel Photograph Case
£1,950.00 -
Silver Engraved Decanter Widdowson & Veale
£1,800.00 -
Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Game Bird Menu Holders
£1,500.00 -
French Novelty Silver Boat Snuffbox
£2,250.00 -
Oversized Wrythen Glass and Silver Flask
£950.00 -
French Silver and Enamel Snuff Box Benjamin Wolles
£3,200.00 -
Antique Papier Mache Snuff Box
£3,700.00 -
Silver and Enamel Cigarette Case Robert Chandler
£1,300.00 -
Erotic Sterling Silver Vinaigrette Joseph Ash
£2,000.00 -
French Gold and Enamel Perfume Bottle
£7,500.00 -
Japanese Silver and Enamel Cigarette Case
£2,300.00 -
Japanese Komai Style Box and Dish Fujii Yoshitoyo
£1,400.00 -
Japanese Komai Style Damascene Box Yoshitoyo
£450.00 -
Dog Kennel Silver and Enamel Vesta Case
£2,900.00 -
Georgian Treen Dog Snuff Box
£1,500.00 -
Georgian Yew Wood Parrot Snuff Box
£1,200.00 -
Japanese Meiji Period Silver Box Masayuki
Italian Grand Tour Micro Mosaic Spaniel After the Hunt
£4,200.00 -
White Onyx Polar Bear Alfred Lyndhurst Pocock (Faberge Sculptor)
£8,250.00 -
Japanese Silver Box by Komyo
£2,300.00 -
German Silver Gilt Minaudière Louis Kuppenheim
£3,900.00 -
Novelty Art Deco Tea Server
£425.00 -
Roller Skating Cigarette Case WMF
Antique Collectables
In our antique collectables category, you will find all the other objects that don’t quite have a home in our other named collections. The collectables category specifically houses all those beautiful smaller objects that often have practical uses, such as vesta cases, snuff boxes, perfume bottles, and other smaller items manufactured using various materials from various manufacturers.
With the various compositions these pieces are often put together and collections built around them. At Jacksons Antique, our antique collectables will offer you something unusual, something different and something that can be placed almost anywhere, so there are no worries about space. Our collectables are perfect for adding to existing collections, starting new collections or even as a one-off special purchase.